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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Rev. John Bennet

In the 1740's, the Englishman John Bennet was converted through the ministry of the evangelist George Thomson. Bennet at the time was over 70 years old, but after his conversion he pastored a church in Cornwall. On one occasion, Charles Wesley was preaching in Bennet's church. His topic was "Against Harmless Diversions" that keeps one in the darkness of sin. Three pastors were present for the sermon: John Meriton, George Thomson, and John Bennet. Wesley exclaimed in his sermon that "By harmless diversions I was kept asleep in the devil's arms, secure in a state of damnation and darkness, for 18 years." No sooner were those words uttered than Meriton yelled out, "And I in darkness for 25 years!" Then Thomson cried out, "And I in darkness for 35 years!" And, finally, Bennet, the venerable minister of the church, said, "And I in darkness above 70 years!"

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