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Friday, November 14, 2008

Hard Times

In the late 1970's I went to hear Francis Schaeffer speak at Tremont Temple in Boston; at the time I was a naive seminary student at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. One thing he said that night has stuck with me ever since: "The time of ease and comfort for the church in the west is soon coming to an end." Many of us when we hear such things become nervous and fearful. But I do wonder if those are the right reactions. Listen to the words of William Wilberforce (1759-1833) concerning the persecution of Christians:

"Christianity especially has always thrived under persecution. For at such times it has no lukewarm professors. The Christian is then reminded that his Master's kingdom is not of this world. When all the earth looks back, he looks to heaven for his consolation. Then he sees himself as a pilgrim and a stranger. For it is then as in the hour of death that he will examine his foundations and cleave to the fundamentals."


jrm said...


I was probably in the same audience with you that night in Boston. If memory serves, Schaeffer was promoting his film series, "How Shall With Then Live," with his son. Tremont Temple had to accommodate the overflow crowd from Park Street Church. But I was only a college senior at the time, being so much younger than you.

John Muether

jrm said...


I was probably in the same audience with you that night in Boston. Schaeffer was promoting his film series, "How Shall We Then Live," with his son. Tremont Temple had to accommodate the overflow crowd from Park Street Church. I was only a college senior at the time, being so much younger than you.

John Muether