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Wednesday, February 4, 2009


How many of us think or how many of us have been taught that we need to have this or that program to bring about revival? What is our spiel when it comes to sharing the gospel with another? David Brainerd makes the following comments regarding an awakening among the Indians in 18th century America. He had witnessed a people completely lost in the darkness, sated with superstition, and having derision for the gospel. Yet, God opened their hearts and minds to the truth of the gospel. Brainerd saw the floodgates open, and

"that the conversion of untutored, uncivilized men to Christianity, by the simple means of preaching, is not an impossible, nor a wild and imaginary thing. The gospel among bond and free, the civilized and barbarous, when accompanied with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, is the power of God to salvation." How was it done? . . . by the simple means of preaching accompanied by the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. Now there's a program!

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