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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

All Things To God's Glory

Many of us love the classical music of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Did you know that when Bach was composing a piece he began by writing at the top of the sheet Jesu Juva, that is, "Jesus, help"? And when he concluded the piece he would write at the bottom of the sheet Soli Deo Gloria which means "to God alone be the glory". This is what grammarians call an inclusio, namely, his work is bounded on both ends by bringing glory to God. Oh, that we all would see our labors on this earth in the same way! Oh, that we would understand that all things are to be brought under the lordship of Jesus Christ! And so as we go to work this day, wherever that may be, may we begin with Jesu Juva, and may we close our day with Soli Deo Gloria.

1 comment:

Samuel Sutter said...

I like that reminder for today... thanks!