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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In What Do You Put Your Trust?

When the Scottish minister John Row was on his death-bed, the master of the local grammar school came to see him and said to him, "Sir, you have many young children, and alas! You have little money to leave them: what will become of them? I fear they will beg through the country. Sir, you have not been careful to gather money to them." At that point, Rev. Row turned to the wall and prayed. Then he said to the principal: "I think I might and ought to have done more for my children than I have done; but, teacher, I have given over my children unto God and the well ordered covenant, and to his all-sufficient providence. Now, teacher, let me speak to you: you have but one son, and you have great riches to give him, and you make a god of your riches; and you think, well my son will have enough! But, teacher, it may be that when my children, whom I have given over to God's gracious and all-sufficient providence, may have competency in the world, your son may have much need -- for it is God's blessing that makes rich!"
Rev. Row had six sons, and five of them became ministers of the gospel. The teacher's heir was a very profane man, given to drunkenness and many evil vices, and he squandered his money. After his death, the son's wife begged for food and she was often given meat and drink at the house of Rev. William Row, minister in Fife; he was one of the sons of Rev. John Row, minister at Carnock.

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